English, asked by adsami, 11 months ago

please give me answer ​



Answered by nadamsali02

Magellan’s circumnavigation [of the globe] forever altered the Western world’s ideas about

cosmology – the study of the universe and our place in it – as well as geography. It

demonstrated, among other things, that the earth was round, that the Americas were not part

of India but were actually a separate continent, and that oceans covered most of the earth’s

surface. The voyage conclusively demonstrated that the earth is, after all, one world. But it also

demonstrated that it was a world of unceasing conflict, both natural and human. The cost of

these discoveries in terms of loss of life and suffering was greater than anyone could have

anticipated at the start of the expedition. [The voyagers] had survived an expedition to the ends

of the earth, but more than that, they had endured a voyage into the darkest recesses of the

human soul.  (Lawrence Bergreen, Over the Edge of the World)

During the Civil War era many factions sought to change America. Remarkable speakers spread

their ideas through oratory, thrilling their audiences through powerful speeches that appealed

to both emotion and logic. Frederick Douglass, a black American, fought for black civil rights

through compelling speeches like “What to the slave is the Fourth of July?” which depicted the

terrors of slavery in graphic detail. Abraham Lincoln, on the other hand, spoke peacefully and

optimistically during his Second Inaugural Address to demonstrate his desire for peace and

reconciliation with the Confederate states. Both speakers captivated their audiences through

persuasive diction, tone, and argumentative methods in an effort to win them over and gain

their support.

Conflicts within the middling orders were more pronou

Answered by monubarawal2002

I WILL NEVER FORGET A DAY WHEN I was asked to deliver a speech by Sangeeta mam on EID. On that day I was completing my homework and I had a lot of burden of homework. I left to complete homework and started to writing speech. I took one hour to write that and one hour in editing and taking practice how to deliver that in the morning assembly.

I prepared that and was happy about the next day because I was going to deliver speech on EID, which is a festival of Muslims.

But when I went on the mic our P.T.I sir said that Sorry,time for today's assembly is over and we have to move on, sorry for your speech which is not delivered today.

I got frustrated about the thing that happened in the morning assembly and I didn't score good in all tests that day.

My English teacher told me that these type of situation will come in your life and you need to face them,don't get frustrate about these situations and I made myself strong to face these situations, today,I face every situation with happyness which helps me not to get hopeless in any situation.

monubarawal2002: plz mark it as brainliest
adsami: thanks
monubarawal2002: plz mark it as brainliest
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