please give me answer fast

1) Word processor is an application software, which is capable of creating, editing, saving and printing documents.
It's features are:-
1) Ease and speed: An word processor provides an easier and faster method to type the text.
2) Editing feature: Using a word processor, you can apply editing operations to the text.
3) Storage: Stores all your documents for future use.
4) Graphic feature: You can add pictures, drawings and charts,etc to your document.
2) The different components of a word window are:-
1) Menu Bar: It has file, edit, view, insert, format, tools, table, window and help menus.
2) Standard Toolbar: It has shortcut icons to the menu commands.
3) Formatting Toolbar: It has various menus for style, font and font-side, bullets and number, border icons, etc.
4) Ruler: To set tabs, paragraph alignment, other formats.