English, asked by pubg6, 10 months ago

please give me answer of 300 words essay on this topic​



Answered by shaziarashidmalik13


Having a game plan and arriving armed for battle is the best way to sit down and write a winning essay. These tips below will set you up for clarity, concision, and a winning argument.

The wording must be clear and concise. It's difficult to make a strong case when you've confused the reader. If your topic is complex and needs to be defined before you can dive into intricate detail, be sure to do that. Keep clarity at the forefront of your mind, because if you've lost people even before you dive into your stats and facts, it's a lost cause. For more on this, check out these 10 Tips for Writing Clear, Concise Sentences.

Stick to third-person pronouns. Typically, you want to write an expository essay in an objective, third-person perspective ("he," "she," or "it"). However, pay careful attention to the assignment. Sometimes, first-person ("I" or "me") or second-person ("you") perspective is acceptable, especially if the task is to describe a personal experience.

Have a strong thesis statement. A thesis statement is the core of any essay. It tells readers what the entire essay is about. In an expository essay, thesis statements are particularly valuable because you must state a claim and then argue why that claim is valid. It's not just a pleasant story as narrative essays can be sometimes. With your thesis statement in hand, you can go on to craft a topic sentence for each of your body paragraphs. It'll be important that all of those paragraphs signal back to whatever your thesis statement proclaimed.

Each body paragraph should cover only one topic and present one new idea. As you progress from your thesis statement into each paragraph's topic sentence, remember to keep the focus to no more than one main idea per paragraph.

Order your arguments accordingly. There's a bit of debate on this topic. Do you start with a bang and make your strongest point first? Or, do you build up to the strongest point? Again, opinions vary but many academics believe you should start with the strongest point. This will help to get the reader on your side for the rest of your essay.

Use transition words. As you connect all of your paragraphs together, use transition words and sentences to make your essay flow more smoothly. Connect sentences with words like "however," "for example," or "such as."

Check out How Do I Include Transition Words In My Essay?

Cite your sources. This is par for the course, as it's an absolute requirement when writing an essay. Be diligent in this area. A successful essay will be factual, not subjective, and contain verifiable information. Choose your sources carefully. Cite them and make it easy for the reader to see where you drew your facts. For more on this, check out these Examples of Works Cited Pages.

Have a killer conclusion. The conclusion should restate your argument, summarize your facts, or even propose the next steps for further research or discussion. It's your last chance to leave a lasting mark that will make your readers consider your point of view. Here's the nitty-gritty on How to Write a Conclusion.

For even more tricks from the trade, check out these general ideas on how to write an essay.

Sorry I have no time to write a long essay but it will help u to understand and write a essay

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