Science, asked by subasri2093, 2 months ago

please give me answers friends​



Answered by Sarmilathamii


1) material are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties. material are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties grouping of material save our time, energy and make our study easier.

2) winnowing is a process by which chaff is separated from grain. It can also be used to remove pests from stored grain. winnowing usually follows threshing in grain preparation.

3) water is called the universal solvent because it is capable of dissolving more substance than any other liquid water molecules have a polar arrangements of oxygen and hydrogen atoms one side ( hydrogen) has a positive electrical charge and the other side (oxygen) had a negative charge.


4) Yes. We can recognise leaves without seeing them. You can look for the type of roots of the plant and identify the type of leaf . if the plant has fibrous roots, it's leaves have parallel venation, and if the plant has tap roots , it's leaves reticulate venation.

sorry I mistakly right here

I hope it's helpful for you ☺️☺️

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