(please give me fast) write about short note on this philosopher
1. Jhon locke
3. Monlesqueu
John Locke is the most important modern political philosopher, even if not now the most popular one, as we shall see. Simply inspecting the parallel passages given above from The Second Treatise of Civil Government and the Declaration of Independence might give one some notion of his importance -- or discovering that a small town in Upstate New York is named after him (well, perhaps he could have a more impressive town). In his day, Locke became deeply involved in the government of Britain, first of all mainly through a patron, Anthony Ashley Cooper, who became the first Lord Ashley and then the first Earl of Shaftesbury. Later, after Shaftesbury's fall (1679), exile (1681), and death (1683), Locke became in his own right a respected philosopher and political advisor thanks to the Glorious Revolution (1688), the triumph of Shaftesbury's cause. Locke did not begin, however, as a political philosopher or with any ambition to be a public figure. Indeed, all of these came rather late in his life, long after he had even expected to still be living.
Locke was one of the first modern philosophers to even have an academic career. But this was not in philosophy, whose university form at the time Locke did not like. Instead, Locke became a physician -- "pitched upon the study of physic" -- although he never did graduate as a Doctor of Medicine. He became a kind of permanent medical graduate student at Christ Church College, Oxford. Even in this his specialty was more along the lines of botany and pharmacology than other areas of medicine.