Social Sciences, asked by sonusriindop, 9 months ago

please give me information upto one page about differences between indian and american administration please.............................................................. mannnnnn..............................pplease................. give it​


Answered by apurvarajput41222


India is the largest democracy in the world, whereas the United States of America is the oldest democracy. Although both countries are democratic republics, there are some differences in the way both governments function. UPSC aspirants should be aware of the basic differences between the two governments. In this article, you can read about the differences between Indian vs US governments, which is a part of polity in the UPSC syllabus.

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Differences between the Governments of India and the USA

The differences between both the governments are given under separate headings.

Political Parties

India USA

Although there are currently 2 major national parties – the INC and the BJP; there are hundreds of regional and smaller parties in the political scene. There are two major political parties here. They are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.

Head of State

India USA

Elected head of Government is the Prime Minister. He is the executive head.

The President is the constitutional head of state.

Citizens cast their vote to elect their representatives to the Lok Sabha. The party that wins a majority of seats in the Lok Sabha gets invited by the President to form the government.

The leader of that party becomes the Prime Minister.

Elections to the Lok Sabha are held every five years generally.

Head of State is the President.

Citizens cast their ballot in every state to elect members of the electoral college (popular vote) who in turn cast electoral votes to determine the President.

The President holds office for a four-year term.


India USA

The government can lose the mandate if its majority cannot be proved in the Lok Sabha in the event of a no-confidence motion.

This would lead to mid-term elections.

Parliamentary form of government.

The President is not dependent on the strength of his party in Congress (legislative body).

He remains in power for the four years of his term unless he is impeached or incapacitated.

Presidential form of government.


India USA

The Prime Minister appoints members of his cabinet from his party or from those supporting his coalition (if it’s a coalition government).

President nominates cabinet members and sends them to the Senate for confirmation.

The cabinet members need not be Congress members, they could just be industry experts.

Legislative Body

India USA

The Parliament is the supreme legislative body.

It is a bicameral legislature comprising of the President, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.

Lok Sabha (House of the People) members are elected directly by the people. There are 545 members.

Rajya Sabha (Council of States) members are elected by the State legislative assemblies. Its total membership is 245.

Congress is the legislature of the USA.

The Senate and the House of Representatives are the two chambers of the Congress

The House of Representatives (commonly referred to as the House) is the Lower House while the Senate is the Upper House.

Legislation authority

India USA

There is no strict separation of powers.

The executive is part of the elected legislature and remains in power while the House is in motion.

The Prime Minister cannot override the legislature to make laws.

A bill becomes a law only when both Houses pass it and it is signed by the President.

The president can send any bill back to the parliament for consideration if he deems fit. But if it’s passed again, he should sign it.

Supreme Court can strike down any law that it considers unconstitutional.

Here, there is a clear separation of powers between the executive, the legislature and the judiciary.

A law passed by the Congress can be vetoed by the President.

He can send it back for consideration, or he can also bypass the Congress and issue an executive order (which has the force of law).

However, Congress can override the veto by obtaining a 2/3rd majority in both Houses.


India USA

India can be said to be a case of cooperative federalism.

There is only one constitution for the whole country.

India is neither purely federal nor purely unitary.

It is a federal structure with a strong unitary bias.

India is a union of states meaning states have no authority to recede from India.

It has a federal system with each state having its own constitution.

Here, power is shared between the federal government and state governments

Answered by aqsakhan08


What are the differences between the Indian and U.S. parliamentary systems?

Stacking multiple pillows while lying down to sleep?

The fundamental difference between Indian Government and U.S. Government is that ours is a Parliamental form of Government and U.S. Government is Presidential form of Government.

Parliamental form of Government means the Prime Minister shall be the appointed head of the Government, whereas, in case of Presidential form of Government, the President shall be the head of Government.

In India, almost all major powers are vested in the Prime Minister of India and in U.S. the President is the most powerful authority.

Both Indian Parliament and US Congress are bicameral. Parliament consists of the President, Upper House and Lower House.

The Executive in India is inseparably linked to the Legislature. The Executive in India means the Council of Ministers. In U.S., the President himself is the Executive and hence there is a clear distinction between the Executive and the Legislature.

In India, there is one and only Constitution for the whole nation, except for the state of Jammu and Kashmir. As per article 370 of the Constitution of India, the state can have its own separate Constitution. But in the U.S.A. the national Constitution allows its states to have their own Constitutions. That is why the main Constitution of the nation is very smaller one. But in India, one of the reasons, why the volume of our Constitution is so large, is that it incorporates matters of all states.

Indian Constitution is both rigid and flexible in nature. Till 2013, there have been total 120 amendments of the Constitution since 1949. U.S. Constitution is comparatively rigid in nature and there have been only 27 amendments to it since 1776.

The Fundamental Rights specified in Part III of the Indian Constitution is the civil and political charter of India. Any law or Act passed by the legislature must not mar any of the prescribed fundamental rights or violate the spirit of the Constitution and in such case the Supreme Court for central level and High Courts for state level shall declare such legislation void.

The Directive Principles specified in the Part IV of the Indian Constitution is the social and economic charter of India and it is imperative the states shall promote and abide by them towards building an welfare state.

In India number of representatives in the Council of States are decided in a proportional basis, i.e., ratio between number of representatives from each state and its population should be same for all. Whereas in the U.S.A., the number of representatives in Senate is equal and always 2 for each state.

In the Constitution of India, a balance of power has been depicted among the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. Whereas, it is known that the Judiciary of the U.S.A. is the most powerful.

In India, the President is regarded as the “Ornamental Head of the State” and certain special powers are vested in him/her. He is elected by a special process and not directly by the people. Whereas, the U.S. President is directly elected by the people and it is said that the U.S. President is the most powerful all over the world.

Finally, the structure of Indian Government is mainly federal but with strong unitary bias. In case of U.S.A., the Government is mainly federal in nature because the States are empowered with their own Constitutions.

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