please give me my ans

3) graphics
4) windows
11) dragging
12)mouse pointer
14) shutdown
1. All the computer devices are called hardware.
2. All facts, information and programs stored in a computer is called software.
3. Pictures and symbols produced by a computer are called graphics.
4. Windows is a very popular Operating System.
5. The main screen of Windows is called desktop.
6. The small pictures on the desktop are called icons.
7. To the left of the Taskbar, you can see the Start.
8. A list of tools or commands is called a menu.
9. The action of pressing and releasing a mouse button is known as clicking.
10. The quickly press of a mouse button twice is called double-click.
11. The action of holding down a mouse button and then moving the mouse is called dragging.
12. The small arrow on the screen is called mouse pointer.
13. Whenever you open a program Windows will show its icon button on the task bar.
14. Click on Shut down to turn off the computer.
15. On the Taskbar, shows the battery level of the computer.
Knowledge Bytes:
⇒ Hardware and Software
The components of the computer that can be viewed and touched are known as hardware. The components of the computer that can only be viewed are known as software.
⇒ Graphics and Icons
The in-built symbols and pictures and symbols present in a computer are known as graphics. Icons are the small pictures on the desktop represent a specific program in the computer.
⇒ Mouse-pointer
The small white arrow present in the desktop that moves when we move the mouse. Through clicking the mouse button, we can select various programs, texts etc.
⇒ Task bar
It is the bar that is present at the bottom of the desktop. It shows the start button, icons of some specific programs for easy use, icons of programs that are running, battery level, volume, time, date etc.