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Another example of using exponents in real life is when you calculate the area of any square. If you say "My room is twelve foot by twelve foot square", you're meaning your room is 12 feet × 12 feet — 12 feet multiplied by itself — which can be written as (12 ft)2. And that simplifies to 144 square feet.
Step-by-step explanation:
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The answer is :
Step-by-step explanation:
1)square miles, square kilometers and any other square units — and cubic feet, cubic meters, cubic centimeters plus any other cubic units actually use exponents in disguise.
2) Exponents are important in math,If we want to express in mathematics the product of x multiplied by itself 7 times, without exponents we'd only be able to write that as xxxxxxx, x multiplied by itself 7 times in a row.
3) Exponents are supercript numerals that let you know how many times you should multiply a number by itself. Some real world applications include understanding scientific scales like the pH scale or the Richter scale, using scientific notation to write very large or very small numbers and taking measurements.
4) Many doctors in the medical field and scientists who study medicine, use exponents in their everyday lives to describe specific amounts, calculations, and terms. These exponents can provide doctors and scientists with data that they can use to perform experiments and create useful and more accurate predictions.
5) Exponents are critically important in modern internet based Sales and Marketing. ... Computer games
Hope this answer helps you
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