please give me the answer.

1. Thrift and mend your clothes
Did you know that it takes 2700 litres of water to make the average t-shirt? Jeans are even worse. One pair takes 7600 litres. That means an average outfit uses 10,300 litres of water to make. Think about it…10,300 Nalgene water bottles full of water. Avoid purchasing new clothes whenever possible to help save water.
2. Install low-flow fixtures
Save water and money by installing low-flow toilets, shower heads and faucets. For a household of four people, this means over 100,000 litres of water saved per year.
3. Turn off the tap while washing your face, brushing your teeth and shaving
Don’t think that keeping the tap on while doing these things takes up that much water? Plug the drain sometime and see just how much is collected in the sink. Multiply that over 365 days, likely a few times a day. That’s a lot of water.
4. Aerate your lawn
Ensure as much rain water as possible soaks into your lawn by periodically aerating it. Not only will you save water, you will also put less effort into watering your lawn.
5. If it’s yellow, let it mellow
Depending on your toilet, each flush uses 6-26 litres of water. Resist flushing your toilet whenever possible.
1. Take Shorter Showers. Reduce your shower time and try to avoid baths when you can. ...
2.Stop Pre-Rinsing Dishes. ...
3. Check for Leaks in the Pipes. ...
4. Only Run Full Loads of Laundry or Dishes. ...
5. Check your Toilet for Leaks. ...
6. Stop Wasting Water in the Sink
hope it will help you friend ✌️✌️✨