English, asked by fenisebastian, 1 month ago

Please give me the answer of all questions important ​



Answered by SweetestBitter


Turn down - adjust a control on a device to reduce the volume or level.

Turn in - to deliver up

Get rid of - to do something so as to no longer have or be affected or bothered by

Get at - to manage to reach or touch something

Get on with - perform or make progress in a specified way.

Get away with - escape.

Break away - to leave something.

Break down - to become very upset.

Break into - to enter a building by force.

Break off - to break a piece from something.

Break out of - to escape from somewhere.

Break through - to pass through a barrier.

Look after - to take care of

Look ahead -to think about and plan the future.

Look away - to turn your eyes away from someone or something that you were looking at

Look back - to think about something

Put off - postpone, leave until a later time.

Put down - to insult.

Put up with - tolerate or endure something.

Put on - to dress oneself.

Put up - to erect.

Put across - to communicate something.

Put out - to publish.

Help for my dear feni.

Answered by HannaSebastian


irect speech – reporting the message of the speaker in the exact words as spoken by him.

Direct speech example: Maya said ‘I am busy now’.

Indirect speech: reporting the message of the speaker in our own words

Indirect speech example: Maya said that she was busy then.

Let us understand the direct and indirect rules with examples and for all tenses so that you can apply them correctly, without making any mistakes in the exams.

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