Physics, asked by arsh122100, 1 year ago

please give me the answer please:-

derive the relation.between atoms different models

gud answer mark as brainliest ❤️​


Answered by Irfan1729


5 Atomic Models are;

2: The plum pudding model. in 1897 a man named J.J. Thompson used cathode ray with small particles, smaller than an atom and it consisted of negatively charged particles John Daltons theroy was no longer workable. They needed a new theroy with subatomic particles. He proposed that the atom was a mass of positive charge with negative electrons placed into it like raisins in a pudding, and dubbed it the Plum Pudding model.

1: The Solid Sphere model was brought in by John Dalton in 1803. This model was made by tiny invisible particals which are atoms and all atoms are alike. John Dalton also he included the law of multiple proportions and also the law definite composition on his model. His model was not perfect but his model lasted the main model for 90 years.

3: The Nuclear model. In 1906 Ernest Rutherford and his assistants, performed the famous Gold Foil experiment that led to the discoveries of the atomic nucleus and that the atom is mostly space. This experiment determind that the mass of an atom was the same as J.J. Thomson's model. The volume of the mass was much smaller and seemed to be located in the center of the atom. So in 1911 Thompsons model wasnt workable so Ernest Rutherford proposed the Nuclear model of the atom.

5 Atom Models

5: The Wave Mechanical Model. In 1921 Louis de Broglie said, without any evidence that if waves have matter properties with matter should have wave properties.Bell Laboratories would prove that De Broglies hypothesis was correct. De Broglies hypothesis was a revelation that impressed Einstein and changed the view of the atom forever. Erwin Schrodinger suggested the electron was a 3-D waveform that circled the nucleus in a whole number of wavelengths allowing the waveform to repeat itself with stable standing wave that represented the energy levels of the Bohr model Schrodinger developed a math equation to describe the wave behavior of the electron. The wave equation did not only give the correct energy levels for the hydrogen atoms but was also kinda useful in atoms with more than one electron. This math equation described the details of atomic behavior became known as the Wave Mechanical Model.

4: The Bohr Model. in 1913 Neils Bohr suggested putting the quantum theory to the Rutherford model. Nelis Bohr's new model suggested that electrons are in fixed energy levels he called orbits. The energy of these orbits are multiples and the electrons absorb or release energy (which are protons) at certain wavelengths to move between energy levels.


please mark me as branliest

Answered by Anonymous



5 Atomic Models are;

2: The plum pudding model. in 1897 a man named J.J. Thompson used cathode ray with small particles, smaller than an atom and it consisted of negatively charged particles John Daltons theroy was no longer workable. They needed a new theroy with subatomic particles. He proposed that the atom was a mass of positive charge with negative electrons placed into it like raisins in a pudding, and dubbed it the Plum Pudding model.

1: The Solid Sphere model was brought in by John Dalton in 1803. This model was made by tiny invisible particals which are atoms and all atoms are alike. John Dalton also he included the law of multiple proportions and also the law definite composition on his model. His model was not perfect but his model lasted the main model for 90 years.

3: The Nuclear model. In 1906 Ernest Rutherford and his assistants, performed the famous Gold Foil experiment that led to the discoveries of the atomic nucleus and that the atom is mostly space. This experiment determind that the mass of an atom was the same as J.J. Thomson's model. The volume of the mass was much smaller and seemed to be located in the center of the atom. So in 1911 Thompsons model wasnt workable so Ernest Rutherford proposed the Nuclear model of the atom.

5 Atom Models

5: The Wave Mechanical Model. In 1921 Louis de Broglie said, without any evidence that if waves have matter properties with matter should have wave properties.Bell Laboratories would prove that De Broglies hypothesis was correct. De Broglies hypothesis was a revelation that impressed Einstein and changed the view of the atom forever. Erwin Schrodinger suggested the electron was a 3-D waveform that circled the nucleus in a whole number of wavelengths allowing the waveform to repeat itself with stable standing wave that represented the energy levels of the Bohr model Schrodinger developed a math equation to describe the wave behavior of the electron. The wave equation did not only give the correct energy levels for the hydrogen atoms but was also kinda useful in atoms with more than one electron. This math equation described the details of atomic behavior became known as the Wave Mechanical Model.

4: The Bohr Model. in 1913 Neils Bohr suggested putting the quantum theory to the Rutherford model. Nelis Bohr's new model suggested that electrons are in fixed energy levels he called orbits. The energy of these orbits are multiples and the electrons absorb or release energy (which are protons) at certain wavelengths to move between energy

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