English, asked by akash03031987, 1 month ago

please give me the full answer please do the exercise . The example is for hints. This is translation . Please give me answer .​



Answered by jaineelmishra4


I can't see


clearly sorry

Answered by christythomas374


आप उतना ही ईमानदार हैं जितना सुजीत हमलोग उतने ही व्यस्त हैं जितना आपलोग । मेरा केश उतना ही उजला है जितना आपका । आपका केश उतना ही उजला है जितना बर्फ । सुनील उतना ही लालची है जितना अर्जुन । वह उतना ही अडिग है जितना चट्टान अजीत उतना ही मक्कार है जितना विनोद । रूई उतना ही कोमल होता है जितना मक्खन । आप उतना ही विश्वासी हैं जितना रमेश । घोड़ा उतना ही वफादार होता है जितना कुत्ता । यह एक नयी किताब है । यह उपन्यास खराब नहीं है । आपकी आवाज उतनी ही मीठी है जितना शहद । संगीता उतनी ही शांत है जितना मेघना । तुम लालची हो । वह उतना ही लालची है जितना भेड़िया । यह बक्सा उतना ही भारी है जितना वह बक्सा । आपकी लिखावट उतनी सुन्दर नहीं है जितनी मेरी । मेरा भाई बहादुर है । आपकी माँ अभिमानी हैं।

You are as honest as Sujit we are as busy as you are. My hair is as bright as yours. Your hair is as bright as snow. Sunil is as greedy as Arjun. He is as adamant as the rock Ajit, as much humor. The cotton is as tender as butter. You are as confident as Ramesh. A horse is as loyal as a dog. This is a new book. This novel is not bad. Your voice is as sweet as honey. Sangeeta is as calm as Meghna. You are greedy He is as greedy as a wolf. This box is as heavy as that box. Your writing is not as beautiful as mine. My brother is brave. Your mother is proud.

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