English, asked by kapilp10101, 5 months ago

please give me the solution of English book chapter 1 the sniper class 8 only objective question answer​


Answered by rohit1838


Q. Describe, how the Republican Sniper nursed his wound?

Ans. The Republican Sniper felt that his right arm was deadened due to the shot by his opponent. He took his knife from the pocket and ripped open the sleeve.

He noticed that the bullet had entered the bone. He tried to overcome the pain. He took out his field dressing, opened the packet with his knife. He also put iodine on the wound.

He placed the cotton wedding over the wound and wrapped dressing over it. He tied the ends with teeth. Then, he lay still for a long time nursing his wounded arm and tried to control the pain.

Q. Why did the Sniper kill the man in the armoured car and old lady?

Ans. The sniper saw an armoured car after the firing of a bullet by the enemy. It was an enemy car. He wanted to fire, but it was useless because the bullet couldn’t pierce the steel body of the car.

Suddenly, the turret of the car opened. The man’s head and shoulder appeared. He also saw an old lady. She was an informer. The sniper raised his rifle and fired at the man before he could shot him.

The Sniper spotted the enemy’s head and shoulder. He was killed. The lady started running towards the street. The Sniper killed her also.

Q. Describe the Sniper’s encounter with the armoured car and his subsequent injury?

Ans. The sniper saw an armoured car after the firing of a bullet by the enemy. It was an enemy car. He wanted to fire, but it was useless because the bullet couldn’t pierce the steel body of the car.

Suddenly, the turret of the car opened. The man’s head and shoulder appeared. He also saw an old lady. She was an informer. The sniper raised his rifle and fired at the man before he could shot him.

The Sniper spotted the enemy’s head and shoulder. He was killed. The lady started running towards the street. The Sniper killed her also.

Suddenly, from the opposite root a shot rang out and the sniper dropped his rifle with a curse. The rifle dropped to the root. He bent to pick up the rifle, but he was unsuccessful. His forearm was dead. He was badly injured.


The Sniper by Liam O’Flaherty talks about the themes of violence and enmity. It demonstrates how wars blur an individuals identity. The story explores how people are affected especially those who participate or are ensnared in the war. The Republican sniper unwillingly shoots three people dead in the story. Firstly he kills the man in the armoured car, then the old woman and lastly the enemy sniper. The Republican speaker had no other alternative than either kill or be killed. The sniper was not so brutal but he has to kill even the old woman because he knows if she escapes she can inform any of the people from the enemy side about him. The story, therefore, shows how the wars blur the demarcation between the laymen and warriors. It is so blurred that even the old woman is enmeshed in the struggle and becomes a threat.

Therefore, war makes a circumstance in which people lose their capacity to see other human beings as full and nuanced humankind. It creates a situation where a human being is constrained to kill the other. Everybody turns out to be either a partner or a foe, either people who will encourage the Republican sniper or people who will kill him.

At the end of the story when the sniper understands that he has slaughtered his own brother, he should confront firsthand how constrained war and the ill will of war make a circumstance in which the characters move toward becoming blurred over. The feeling of remorse tells us much. What is more intriguing is the setting of the story? The events of the story mostly occur during the night time when it is dim. It is conceivable that O’Flaherty is using the setting to highlight to the reader exactly

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