English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

please give summary for the story "The Flamingo That Flew To The Snow"


Answered by sa3703542
The lost spring by Anees Jung is an expression of national shame of children condemned to poverty and a life of exploitation. The two protagonists of the chapter, Saheb-e-Alam and Mukesh lose their childhood in carrying the burden of poverty and illiteracy. In their bleak stories of exploitation, the author finds glimpses of resilience and fortitude

Spring is the Season of optimism and hope. Spring is the metaphor of childhood stage in a person’s life. From birth till late childhood, life for every child is almost the beginning of a bright and a shiny future. Childhood is featured by innocence, physical stamina and vitality, tremendous urge for the outdoors and a tremendous appetite for fun and play. Activities have no limits. It is also the stage for gaining skill and knowledge, learning and going to school.

I hope this answer help u dear

sa3703542: In 2000-2003, Cook was an editor at Canada.com, Canada’s largest website. She has won four national journalism awards, including a 2005 National Magazine Award in the category of Politics and Public Interest, for an article published in The Walrus about the Sudan called "The Peace Wager.
sa3703542: bolo
sa3703542: accha dekhna hoga dear
sa3703542: nhi mila dear
sa3703542: I am sooory
sa3703542: Ohh
Answered by satyansh294200654


the summary is correct

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