please give the ans fast
1. He asked him why he wanted to be the president.
2. He answered that he wanted to be president because he could lead that nation into the next century.
1st Bit
1) He asked him why did he wanted to be President?
2)He answered that ge could lead that nation into the next century.
3)He also added that he had a vision for that country and with correcrive sentences it's very clear.
4)He asked that there are any other reasons that he liked to be President.
5)He finally added that large kitchen staff and he wanted to know all the cool lifo secrets.
2nd Bit
1)Mam suggested that Instead of trying to get killed by each other and think to turn into a spelling contest.
2)Dad added that the one who had cleanest teeth would win the new tooth paste.
3)The girl wondered why does the parents wanted to every game boring and get bored?
3rd Bit
1)Dad asked her if they are ready or not , becausebaby went down without a fuss.
2)Mum thought that they turned on corner
3)Dad thought that whether he solved the mystery or not.