please give the answer

1. Sphinx had the head of a woman, body of a lion
and wings of a big bird. Her eyes were so fierce.
2. If a man failed to answer her riddle's right answer, she would eat him up.
3. On hearing Oedipus's right answer the Sphinx was disappointed and very angry.
4. In his old age a man walks with a help of stick or a support, so that is the third leg of a man in his old age.
5. 'The Cliff Monster' should be a suitable title for the given passage.
1 )sphinx look like a monster she had head of woman, body of lion and wings of a big bird her eyes were so fierce that nobody dared to look at her face
2 )sphinx eat the man if the man fail to give right answer
3 )sphinx was angry because oedipus able to give the right answer
4 )the third leg is the stick by which old man able to walk
5 )suitable title of the story is 'sphinx the monster'