please give the correct answer

Currently Polaris is at a declination of a bit over 89 degrees, which means that no one south of 1 degree south latitude can see Polaris. That's almost all of the Southern hemisphere, let alone the South Pole.
Polaris won't be the North Star forever, thanks to axial precession. In about 13000 years or so, Polaris will have a declination of about 46 degrees or so (twice the 23 degree axial tilt). Polaris will thus be visible in 13000 years or so as a wintertime star to all of Africa, all of Australia, and most of South America, but none of Antarctica.
After millions of years, proper motion may make Polaris visible over Antarctica. But then again, being a yellow supergiant, its unlikely that Polaris will be visible anywhere (without a telescope). It will instead be dead.
From southern Hemisphere, Earth's equator area is in between the line of pole star, so they can't see it. Pole star is always below the horizon in southern hemisphere and always above the horizon in northeen hemisphere.