English, asked by RITIKKUMAR6357, 1 year ago

Please give the detailed explanation of the poem "i know why the caged bird sings".


Answered by Anonymous
the opening stanza captures the natural beauty of the sunset the free bird suggestive of a white American leaves on the black back of the wind that is he flies and sway with the wind in the evening against the orange Sky he has the right to clean the sky as he flies he did his Wings downstream.
here the poet make The Reader participate in the delightful experience of freedom of the world where there is no restriction every movement become blissful and joyous.

this stanza brings in sharp contrast the condition of the engaged but his wings clipped and his feet are tied so he can hardly move in the narrow gauge and see through his words of rage he is in anger but is helplessly only opens his mouth to sing but no one can stop him from doing so that while the free bird can enjoy the full Sky the engaged but cannot have a glimpse of the sky.
in other words A person who feels restricted as a result of any kind of discrimination prejudice or powerlessness cannot enjoy the fruits of freedom and equality he can only for full freedom and struggle for it in different ways.

the caged bird there is someone to be afraid of many unknown things but this fear does not prevent him from giving expression to his dream of freedom his voice is heard far and wide wide as he sings of freedom.

here the poet makes it clear that the voice of the oppressed people their longing and aspiration cannot be suppressed no fear can stay for this was rather this voice is now here in distant countries.

this time the take us back to the free bird making the difference between the two birds Star please clear the free but can think of another flight in another Breeze and can enjoy the singing of trees he can find his own food he can claim the full Sky as his own on the other hand It is obvious that the in caged bird has no such freedom or right.

there is again shift to the in caged bird and his helplessness the bird in the cage stands on the grave of the unfulfilled dreams as his movements are restricted he can only cry out like one who has had a Nightmare this is a frightening image a person without freedom can only act as nominee for the state of captivity is abnormal.

this is repetition of the stanza 38 inches is again that do the in caged bird has never experienced freedom he still since of it is sound is heard now far and wide and his login for freedom and equality cannot be dismissed as a distant voice.


Arjunpanchadarla: hiiio
Anonymous: any doubt related to answer
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