Physics, asked by Mahisharthi, 1 year ago

Please guys answer this question.
Explain the types of equilibrium with suitable examples.


Answered by affrid
there types of equilibrium

stable ,neutral , and unstable equilibriums

Mahisharthi: 7 types know?I know the types .I want examples
affrid: i think it's 3
affrid: i think you google it
Mahisharthi: ok
Mahisharthi: anyway thanks for ur answer
affrid: your welcome
Answered by stuffin
1 : neutral equilibrium:a state of equilibrium that is independent of a system’s displacements from its original position

2: stable equilibrium:a system, when displaced, experiences a net force or torque in a direction opposite to the direction of the displacement

3: unstable equilibrium:a system, when displaced, experiences a net force or torque in the same direction as the displacement from equilibrium

stuffin: Thankyou FOR choosing my answer brainliest
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