Science, asked by Anonymous, 9 months ago

please help fast only correct answers no spams
please help fast​



Answered by DisneyPrincess29


1 carbohydrates -rice, potatoes

2 fats-oil, ghee, butter,

3 protein -meat, milk

2 The following steps are involved in the preparation of fabrics:

The following steps are involved in the preparation of fabrics:(i) Obtaining fibre,

The following steps are involved in the preparation of fabrics:(i) Obtaining fibre,(ii) Preparation of yarn from fibres by spinning,

The following steps are involved in the preparation of fabrics:(i) Obtaining fibre,(ii) Preparation of yarn from fibres by spinning,(iii) When two sets of yarn are involved, yarns are woven on looms to make a fabric. When a single yarn is used, the fabric is prepared by knitting

3 opaque - a material which do not allow light ti pass through them.

transperant-a material which allow light to pass through them.

translucent-a material which allow light to pass through partially.

4 Materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties. Materials are grouped together for convenience and to study their properties. Grouping materials saves our time, energy and makes our work easier.

5 Winnowing: The process of separating heavier and lighter components of a mixture by wind or by blowing air is called winnowing. This method is used by farmers to separate lighter husk particles from heavier seeds of grain.

hope this will be helpful to u army....

Answered by Anonymous


  • 1. protein, carbohydrates, fat
  • example of carbohydrates: - pulse, raw sugar
  • example of protein:-meat ,diary product
  • example of fats :- ghee , peanut

2. Step I: The first step is the removal of the fleece of the sheep along with a thin layer of skin

step ll:scouring

step lll: The scoured hair is then sorted and sent to a factory where hair of different textures are separated or sorted.

Step IV: Here the small fluffy fibres, called burrs, are separated from the hair and the hair is scoured again and dried. The wool is then ready to be drawn into fibres.

Step V: The fibres are dyed into various vibrant colours because the natural colour of the fleece is black, brown or white.

Step VI: The fibres are then straightened, combed and finally rolled into yarn. The longer fibres are made into wool for sweaters whereas the shorter fibres are spun and woven into woollen cloth.

3.a) opaque :- not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass through.example:- if we emerg light on a brick the light doesn't pass through the brick that means you can't see the light through an object

b) transparent:- an object that allows light to pass through . example:- if we take a glass we can easily see the image through the glass that means , light pass through the transparent object

c) translucent:- that allows a little bit of light to pass through . example :- crushed polythene , if we take a crushed polythene and emerging light on it , we rarely see through the polythene that means , only a little bit of light passes through the translucent object

some of answer are mine and from Google baba

hope this will help you

my mum is scolding me because i don't do my house course ..... iam writing this very fast might my word spell wrong ..... I wanted to help u but so sorry ..... my mum is calling me. T_T

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