please help guys

The richness of living organisms in nature due to presence of varieties of organisms, ecosystems and genetic variations within a species is called Biodiversity.
Biodiversity occurs at three different levels.
1.Genetic Diversity
Occurrence of diversity among the organisms of same species is genetic diversity. Ex. Each human being is different from other. Possibility of wiping out the species arises if there is decrease in the diversity within the species whose members involve in sexual
2.Species Diversity
Innumerable species of organisms occur in the nature. This is called as species diversity.
Species diversity includes various types of plants, animals and microbes.
3.Ecosystem Diversity
Ecosystems are present in each region. The interaction between plants, animals, their habitat and changes in the environment. Each ecosystem has its own characteristic animals, plants, microbes and abiotic factors.
I tgi k it is steam electric power plant.