please help me answer this question
Chhavi Lakra ,
34, Rowland Road.
Chandigarh - 35.
Dear Subhra,
At the outset, let me congratulate you on winning the National Dance Competition.
I must admit that we were watching the event with bated breath as your nearest competitor was really at a whiskering distance in terms of the point between you and her.
However, in the final round, your performance just got the better of her and we were elated.
Congrats once again for making it happen and winning the competition.
Take care and hope to meet you soon in Delhi.
Your loving brother,
A financial advisor is often responsible for more than just executing trades in the market on behalf of their clients.
Advisors use their knowledge and expertise to construct personalized financial plans that aim to achieve the financial goals of clients.
These plans include not only investments but also savings, budget, insurance, and tax strategies.
Advisors further check in with their clients on a regular basis to re-evaluate their current situation and future goals and plan accordingly.