please help me guys लाला गुरु प्रसाद स्टेशन की सीढ़ियां चढ़ते हुए काफी हांफ रहे थे। 70 साल की उम्र में जवानी का जोश आखिर कहां से आए! बहू-बेटे से गुस्सा होकर घर से निकले थे। आज उन्होंने खाना भी नहीं खाया था। अपने जीवन की सारी पूंजी बेटे को दे दी, यह सोच कर कि एक दिन बेटा ही उनके बुढ़ापे की लाठी बनेगा। शुरुआत में तो सुबोध उनका काफी ख्याल रखता था, पर जब से उसकी शादी हुई, वह कुछ बदल-सा गया था। परिवार की जिम्मेदारियों के बीच वह बूढ़े बाप का पहले जैसा ध्यान नहीं रख पाता था। आए दिन किसी न किसी बात को लेकर बाप-बेटे में बहस हो ही जाती थी।<br />पर आज तो हद ही हो गई! लालाजी ने जब सुबोध से अपने कुछ खर्चे के लिए पैसे मांगे, तो सुबोध बोला- “पिताजी आपका क्या है? आप तो घर में पड़े रहते हैं। जानते हैं कितनी महंगाई है? मेरी तनख्वाह भी इतनी नहीं कि मैं आपके ऊपर जरूरत से ज्यादा पैसे खर्च कर सकूं। और मुझे अपने भविष्य के बारे में भी सोचना है। अगर आपको गवारा लगे तो आप हमारे साथ रह सकते हैं, अन्यथा जहां जाना चाहें, जा सकते हैं। आपकी मर्जी।”<br /><br /><br />बेटे के मुंह से यह बात सुनकर लालाजी स्तब्ध रह गए। क्या इसी दिन के लिए अपनी सारी जमा पूंजी बेटे की नौकरी के लिए दी थी? अपमानित होकर जीने से तो अच्छा है कि कहीं बाहर जाकर रहें। कम से कम बेटे की सुननी तो नहीं पड़ेगी। यही सोचकर लालाजी बिना खाए-पिए घर से निकलकर प्लेटफार्म पर आ चुके थे। गुस्से में वो घर से निकल तो पड़े थे मगर कहां जाएं, ये अभी तक तय नहीं कर पाए थे।<br />ठंड ज्यादा थी। लालाजी के हाथ-पैर कांप रहे थे, तभी पीछे से खर-खर की आवाज आई। एक भिखारी प्लास्टिक ओढ़ कर खुद को ठंड से बचाने की कोशिश में लगा हुआ था। लालाजी उसे गौर से देखने लगे, तभी उधर से गुजर रहे कुली ने लालाजी से कहा, “क्या देख रहे हो बाबूजी? ये पिछले कई सालों से यहां पड़ा है। उम्र के इस पड़ाव पर अगर परिवार साथ है, तो ठीक। वरना ऐसे ही दर-दर ठोकरें खानी पड़ती हैं।”<br />लालाजी के कानों में कुली की आवाज गूंजने लगी। आखिरकार लालाजी जिन सीढ़ियों से स्टेशन आए थे, उन्हीं से धीरे-धीरे वापस लौटने लगे। शायद उन्होंने समय और हालात से समझौता कर लिया था!write this story in english please help me guys it will be marked aa brainlist no wrong answers please help
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ok I am writing this in english
Lala Gurun Prasad was very hot while climbing the stairs of the station. At the age of 70, the youth's enthusiasm came from Angered by daughter-in-law, he got out of the house. Today he did not even eat food. Give all the capital of your life to the son, thinking that one day the son will become the black stick of his old age. At the beginning, Subodh used to take care of them, but since she got married, she changed something. Among the responsibilities of the family, he could not remember the old father as before. There was a debate between father and son on some other day. <br /> But today it has become very much! When Lalaji asked for money from his senses, he said, "Dad, what is your name?" You keep yourself in the house. Do you know how much inflation? My salary is not so much that I can spend more than you need. And I have to think about my future too. If you feel proud you can live with us, otherwise you can go where you want to go. Your wish. "<br /> <br /> <br /> Lalaji was stunned after hearing this from the son's mouth. Did you give all your deposits for this day for the son's son's job? It is good to live out of humiliation and stay away from anywhere. At least the son will not have to listen. Thinking that Lalaji had come out of the house without eating and drinking at the platform. In anger, he was out of the house, but where he could go, he could not decide yet. <br /> <br /> It was cold. Lalaji's hands and feet were trembling, and then there was a voice from the back. A beggar was lying in an attempt to protect himself from the cold by plasting plastic. Lalaji started looking at him carefully, then the gentleman passing by said to Lalaji, "What are you looking at Babuji? It has been here for the last several years. If at this stage of age the family is together, then it is fine Otherwise, such rate-rates have to be fractured. "<br /> <br /> The voice of a porter began to resonate in Lalaji's ears. After all, Lallaji, who had come to the station from the stairs, gradually returned from him. Perhaps they had compromised with time and circumstances!
Lala Gurun Prasad was very hot while climbing the stairs of the station. At the age of 70, the youth's enthusiasm came from Angered by daughter-in-law, he got out of the house. Today he did not even eat food. Give all the capital of your life to the son, thinking that one day the son will become the black stick of his old age. At the beginning, Subodh used to take care of them, but since she got married, she changed something. Among the responsibilities of the family, he could not remember the old father as before. There was a debate between father and son on some other day. <br /> But today it has become very much! When Lalaji asked for money from his senses, he said, "Dad, what is your name?" You keep yourself in the house. Do you know how much inflation? My salary is not so much that I can spend more than you need. And I have to think about my future too. If you feel proud you can live with us, otherwise you can go where you want to go. Your wish. "<br /> <br /> <br /> Lalaji was stunned after hearing this from the son's mouth. Did you give all your deposits for this day for the son's son's job? It is good to live out of humiliation and stay away from anywhere. At least the son will not have to listen. Thinking that Lalaji had come out of the house without eating and drinking at the platform. In anger, he was out of the house, but where he could go, he could not decide yet. <br /> <br /> It was cold. Lalaji's hands and feet were trembling, and then there was a voice from the back. A beggar was lying in an attempt to protect himself from the cold by plasting plastic. Lalaji started looking at him carefully, then the gentleman passing by said to Lalaji, "What are you looking at Babuji? It has been here for the last several years. If at this stage of age the family is together, then it is fine Otherwise, such rate-rates have to be fractured. "<br /> <br /> The voice of a porter began to resonate in Lalaji's ears. After all, Lallaji, who had come to the station from the stairs, gradually returned from him. Perhaps they had compromised with time and circumstances!
i was thinking 1000 points
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Heya Mate__________________
____Lala Gurun Prasad was very hot while climbing the stairs of the station. At the age of 70, the youth's enthusiasm came from Angered by daughter-in-law, he got out of the house. Today he did not even eat food. Give all the capital of your life to the son, thinking that one day the son will become the black stick of his old age. At the beginning, Subodh used to take care of them, but since she got married, she changed something. Among the responsibilities of the family, he could not remember the old father as before. There was a debate between father and son on some other day. <br /> But today it has become very much! When Lalaji asked for money from his senses, he said, "Dad, what is your name?" You keep yourself in the house. Do you know how much inflation? My salary is not so much that I can spend more than you need. And I have to think about my future too. If you feel proud you can live with us, otherwise you can go where you want to go. Your wish. "<br /> <br /> <br /> Lalaji was stunned after hearing this from the son's mouth. Did you give all your deposits for this day for the son's son's job? It is good to live out of humiliation and stay away from anywhere. At least the son will not have to listen. Thinking that Lalaji had come out of the house without eating and drinking at the platform. In anger, he was out of the house, but where he could go, he could not decide yet. <br /> <br /> It was cold. Lalaji's hands and feet were trembling, and then there was a voice from the back. A beggar was lying in an attempt to protect himself from the cold by plasting plastic. Lalaji started looking at him carefully, then the gentleman passing by said to Lalaji, "What are you looking at Babuji? It has been here for the last several years. If at this stage of age the family is together, then it is fine Otherwise, such rate-rates have to be fractured. "<br /> <br /> The voice of a porter began to resonate in Lalaji's ears. After all, Lallaji, who had come to the station from the stairs, gradually returned from him. Perhaps they had compromised with time and circumstances!
Hope Helps.★☺
____Lala Gurun Prasad was very hot while climbing the stairs of the station. At the age of 70, the youth's enthusiasm came from Angered by daughter-in-law, he got out of the house. Today he did not even eat food. Give all the capital of your life to the son, thinking that one day the son will become the black stick of his old age. At the beginning, Subodh used to take care of them, but since she got married, she changed something. Among the responsibilities of the family, he could not remember the old father as before. There was a debate between father and son on some other day. <br /> But today it has become very much! When Lalaji asked for money from his senses, he said, "Dad, what is your name?" You keep yourself in the house. Do you know how much inflation? My salary is not so much that I can spend more than you need. And I have to think about my future too. If you feel proud you can live with us, otherwise you can go where you want to go. Your wish. "<br /> <br /> <br /> Lalaji was stunned after hearing this from the son's mouth. Did you give all your deposits for this day for the son's son's job? It is good to live out of humiliation and stay away from anywhere. At least the son will not have to listen. Thinking that Lalaji had come out of the house without eating and drinking at the platform. In anger, he was out of the house, but where he could go, he could not decide yet. <br /> <br /> It was cold. Lalaji's hands and feet were trembling, and then there was a voice from the back. A beggar was lying in an attempt to protect himself from the cold by plasting plastic. Lalaji started looking at him carefully, then the gentleman passing by said to Lalaji, "What are you looking at Babuji? It has been here for the last several years. If at this stage of age the family is together, then it is fine Otherwise, such rate-rates have to be fractured. "<br /> <br /> The voice of a porter began to resonate in Lalaji's ears. After all, Lallaji, who had come to the station from the stairs, gradually returned from him. Perhaps they had compromised with time and circumstances!
Hope Helps.★☺
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