Math, asked by ruzickam54, 6 months ago

please help me if you can the right answer please



Answered by aLovelyStudent


1st pile: 1

2nd pile: 1

3rd pile: 2

4th pile: 3

5th pile: 5

6th pile: 8

7th pile: 13

8th pile: 21

9th pile: 34

10th pile: 55

Pattern: Pile-One-Greater is Pile-One-Less less than Pile


p+1 - p-1 = p

OR (ex.)

8th - 6th = 7th

Step-by-step explanation:

143 pennies split into 10 piles unevenly (that means no division)

1st pile:

2nd pile:

3rd pile:

4th pile:

5th pile:

6th pile: 8

7th pile:

8th pile: 21

9th pile: 34

10th pile: 55

Let's line up the consecutive numbers and write down their relationship

21, 34, 55

21 + a = 34

34 + b = 55

34 - 21 = 13

a = 13

55 - 34 = 21

b = 21


8th is 13 less than 9th

9th is 21 less than 10th

Notice that 9th is 21 less than 10th. And 8th is 21. So we can reasonably conclude that if you take the bigger pile and you subtract the pile to the right of it, you will get the pile to the right of that pile.

Ex. 10th - 9th = 8th

9th - 8th OR 34 - 21 = 13


7th = 13

8th - 7th OR 21 - 13 = 8


6th = 8 (which confirms the theory, since we already know 6th is 8)

7th - 6th OR 13 - 8 = 5


5th = 5

6th - 5th OR 8 - 5 = 3


4th = 3

5th = 4th OR 5 - 3 = 2


3rd = 2

4th - 3rd OR 3 - 2 = 1


2nd = 1

3rd - 2nd OR 2 - 1 = 1


1st = 1

1st pile: 1

2nd pile: 1

3rd pile: 2

4th pile: 3

5th pile: 5

6th pile: 8

7th pile: 13

8th pile: 21

9th pile: 34

10th pile: 55

Pattern: Pile-One-Greater is Pile-One-Less less than Pile


p+1 - p-1 = p

OR (ex.)

8th - 6th = 7th

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