Science, asked by MarisaRoss4444, 4 months ago

Please help me my assignment is due tonight and I really need help I cant fail

Which of the following elements would be present in a star just before it forms a supernova?
A) helium
B) iron
C) hydrogen
D) lead

All stars
A) radiate heat energy.
B) radiate electromagnetic waves.
C) radiate light energy.
D) all of the above.

The surface temperature of a star can be estimated based on the star’s
A) size.
B) color.
C) age.
D) mass.

A star’s apparent brightness is dependent upon
A) temperature.
B) distance from Earth.
C) size.
D) all of the above.

The sun is
A) an unusually hot star.
B) a very cool star.
C) a typical star.
D) none of the above.

Stars are held together by
A) ionic forces.
B) magnetic forces.
C) electrical forces.
D) gravitational forces

In stars, energy is produced primarily as hydrogen atoms are combined to form
A) helium atoms.
B) carbon atoms.
C) oxygen atoms.
D) nitrogen atoms.

Energy is released in stars as a result of
A) fission reactions.
B) fusion reactions.
C) endothermic reactions.
D) biochemical reactions.

Nearly 90 percent of all stars are at what point in their life cycles?
A) infancy
B) youth
C) mid-life
D) old age

A star is born when
A) gas and dust collapse inward.
B) nuclear fusion starts in the core.
C) the fusion of hydrogen slows down.
D) the core becomes carbon and oxygen.

Super giant stars
A) form from red giants.
B) fuse hydrogen into carbon.
C) form planetary nebula.
D) form supernovas.

Most of the stars in the Milky Way will end their lives as
A) white dwarfs.
B) black holes.
C) supernovas.
D) red giants.

A neutron star is a star that
A) is at the beginning of its life cycle.
B) is at the end of its life cycle.
C) is at its mid-point in its life cycle.
D) is a red giant.

An object so massive and dense that not even light can escape its gravity is called a/an
A) neutron star.
B) white dwarf.
C) black hole.
D) blue giant.

Our Sun is classified as a
A) yellow dwarf.
B) blue giant.
C) red giant.
D) white dwarf.

A __________________ and a ___________________ can form after a supernova.
A) white dwarf, neutron star
B) black hole, white dwarf
C) nebula, super giant star
D) neutron star, black hole

Which of the following elements would be present in a star just before it forms a supernova?
A) helium
B) iron
C) hydrogen
D) lead

Two forms of energy that are released from stars are __________ and ____________.
A) sound, light
B) heat, light
C) sound, heat
D) kinetic, heat

_____________________ are groups of many stars that seem to be visibly related to each other to form a pattern in the night sky.
A) belts
B) clusters
C) constellations
D) galaxies

A/an ____________ is a scientist who studies outer space.
A) geologist
B) biologist
C) physicist
D) astronomer

A rotating neutron star that emits regular pulses of radiation at its spin rate is called a/an _____________.
A) pulsar
B) nebula
C) black hole
D) white dwarf

A property that is used to characterize a star is…
A) color
B) brightness
C) shape
D) both A and B

We cannot gather any information from stars that are far away.

The ________________ is the primary instrument used to gather information about stars.
A) microscope
B) telescope
C) spaceship
D) satellites

The sun is expected to live _______________ more years.
A) 10 billion
B) 5 million
C) 5 billion
D) 10 million

A glowing cloud or ring of gas produced as a dying average-sized star expands outward from its core.
A) pulsar
B) black hole
C) the milky way
D) planetary nebula

A violent explosion that occurs when the core of a very large has turned completely to iron.
A) nova
B) supernova
C) atomic nova
D) pulsar

A star begins to form when a cloud of dust and gas collapses inward as a result of gravitational forces.

I know you people wont know them all and you probably dont care but please just tell me the answers to the ones you do know ill be thanking the comments that acctully help :)


Answered by donronaldo07


mark me as brainliest please.......

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