English, asked by ohnoitsher, 2 months ago

Please help me shorten this diary entry for the chapter The Little Girl by Katherine Mansfield.

Thursday 6th June, 1912
Father's birthday is next week. Grandmother suggested that I make him a pin- cushion out of the yellow silk. With much labor, I stitched three sides and realized I didn't have anything to fill it with. I wondered into Mother's bedroom and found tons of fine papers. I tore them apart and filled the cushion with it. Who would've known those papers were for the great speech Father made for the Port Authority! He came into my room later and beat me with his ruler! i felt so ashamed. Did I really do something wrong? But it was for his birthday! I asked Grandmother what God made fathers for, she seemed to ignore the question. It makes me wonder whether Mr. Macdonalds beats his children too. Grandmother told me that I'd forget about it the next morning, but I don't think I ever will.




sorry I don't know I no help you

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