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1.1a) The youth on whole is referred as irrepressible source of energy .
b) The youth that is dexterous with modern devices lacks the trait of insight and foresight.
c) The fourth category of youth supports the view that man's growth lies in the identification with the cosmos.
d) The third category of youth are sober and thoughtful which objectively observes the phenomenon of development of the world.
e) The youth of second and third categories need to be shown the right path to help them channelise their energy.
f) According to Vedic formula man is the micro cosmos and his fullest flowering and enfoldment lies in the identification with the cosmos.
g) The dissatisfied youth may go to well organized political oppositions and reach the extent of expressing themselves in unjust ways.
h) Youth energy can be divided into four categories.
i) The word in passage that means important is vital.