English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

please help me to complete my homework class 9 ncert English( The lost child)

a) Describe the scene of the fair?
b) Who rescued the lost child? What did he offer to buy him?
c) How does the behaviour of the child
before and after his separation from his parents show that he has great love for his parents?
d)Justify the title of the story?
e) Describe, in brief, the theme or the message of Mulk Raj Anand's story " The Lost Child"?
f) How was the child lost in the fair?​​


Answered by ruhi33319


1 He was happy and bewildered at the same time. He saw a sweetmeat seller at the entrance and was tempted to have the burfi displayed on the counter. He demanded the sweet half-heartedly because he knew that instead of buying it for him, his parents would term him greedy

2 The man in the shrine rescued the lost child. He lifted him up in his arms and tried to soothe him. He took him to the nearest roundabout swing and offered to buy him flowers, balloons and sheets.

3 Like any child he wants everything from the fair. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. But he knows that his father won’t be buying anything and would give some or other excuse for not doing so. In a way this shows that child has matured as well. He knows how to control his urges. He also understands that because of some reasons he won’t be in apposition to have each and everything from fair. After the child is lost The child loses interest in the things when he realized that he is separated from his parents. Earlier he wanted many things dearly. But now he needed nothing but this parent. Children feel secure only with their parents.

4 This is story all about a child who was lost.he goes to a fair with his parents .he is happy ,excited and wants sweets and toys.in fair he saw sweet like rasgulla,jalebi,gulab jamun,barfi etc and toys he want them his parents refuses him To bUy tHese things after that he saw balloon seller and ask his parents for buying but his mother tell him to see the mustard flower which is just side of fair field after that he saw garland of gulmohar and snake charmer but his parent refuses after that he was walKing with his parent he was lost because of huge croud in fair his parents find him but he can't find and his child was crying with words-'I want my mother,, I want my father' but his parents not find his child...

5 The story is based on the theme of the close bond that children share with their parents. The lost child forgets all about his desires and yearns deeply for his parents when he fails to find them. Everything else loses its significance and the only thing that matters is his wish to be reunited with his parents.


A child looks at this world with wide eyes. He is attracted towards most of the things he comes across in daily life. The child wants to possess all things that he is attracted to. But very often, the parents are not able to fulfil the wishes of the child. This may be due to two reasons. Either they are not able to afford it or they feel that a particular thing is not good for the child. The child may not understand this and may even feel angry. But the child understands the worth of his parents in their absence. He longs for his parents and cries for them. In this story we find the child crying for his parents when he gets lost and nothing else matters to him.


The story conveys the message that children love their parents unconditionally. The lost child thinks of his father as a strict person when he demands toys from him. He does not press his parents for sweets or garlands etc because he accepts that they will never grant him his wish. However, he gets scared when he realises that he is lost. He cries inconsolably for his parents and forgets all about his cravings for sweets, garlands, snake-charmers show, and even the ride on a roundabout. This message of the story makes the reader understand the worth of parents in the life of a child.

6 In the fair , there were many beautiful things like toys , sweets , balloons and many more. The child wanted all those things but his parents were neglecting him and in watching those things the child was lagging behind . ... In this way the child lost in the fair

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