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Madonna English School, Darbhanga
Assignment for Class X (2021-2022)
Literature in English
English Literature- Paper 2
Please read all the four questions carefully and understand them clearly. For
any doubt please ask in the class.
Simply take any A4 size paper and write the answers to the following questions
in your own words (in not less than 350 words each). Use any colour pen you
think needed. Only handwritten pages will be accepted. Please get all your
answers stapled together. Please do not forget to mention your name, father’s
name, roll number, class, section, registration number on the envelope. Late or
improper submission will be summarily rejected. Two similar assignments will
be subject to plagiarism. Try to present your answers in the best possible way.
Last date of submission is Thursday, 30th of September, 2021 at 10:00 AM.
All 10 assignments should be submitted at the same time in separate envelopes.
1. Draw similarities and contrast among women characters of The Merchant
of Venice.
2. Illustrate the theme of the play with special reference to love, friendship,
cross-dressing and money.
3. Who is your favorite character of the play? Debate your argument with
reference to the text.
4. Critically comment on the significance of the title of the play The
Merchant of Venice.
Hope it Helps!