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good night sweet dreams
1. Calyx. It’s the outermost whorl of green sepals, which provides protection to flower when in bud conditions. In some flowers, when petals are not attractive, they can be modified to colourful appendages to attract insects. Example- Mussaenda.
2. Corolla- It lies next to sepals and consists of variable number of petals, which are usually brightly coloured and gaudy. They attract various pollinators and take indirect part in reproduction.
3. Androecium - They comprise of stamens and constitute the male reproductive part of the flower. They form pollen grains in the anthers. Each stamen has three parts : a filament, two anthers, and. Connective.
4.Gynoecium.- - it is the inner most whorl of flowers. It comprises of carpels, which are female reproductive part of a flower. Each carpel is distinguished into : a stigma , style and an ovary ( which encloses ovules ).
Gynoecium of a flower with one carpel ( pistil. )