please help me with this

To: The editor
Subject: Covid_19
respected sir,
corona is a viral disease which gets transformed from one person to other. if anyone is not able to breathe or cough n cold excessive u need to call ambulane and take him or her to doctor. against corona some necessary measures should b taken. such as: dont go out without necessary work, wear mask, maintain social distance, wash hand after coming home, dont put your hands on face without washing, etc
dear i dont know about 2nd point n 4th point
To: The editor
Subject: Covid_19
respected sir,
corona is a viral disease which gets
transformed from one person to other. if
anyone is not able to breathe or cough n
cold excessive u need to call ambulane
and take him or her to doctor. against
corona some necessary measures should
b taken. such as: dont go out without
necessary work, wear mask, maintain
social distance, wash hand after coming
home, dont put your hands on face
without washing, etc