Please help me with this one

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a) this is called photolysis of water. (a topic in photosynthesis chapter)
in plants, photolysis of water occurs in grana (a component of chloroplast)
more accurately, lumen side of grana thyllakoid membrane.
b)this is very important process for photosynthesis.
In which way: the H+ions produced will accumulate in the lumen of thyllakoid.
it is used to reduce the NADP into NADPH+H
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Hey User!
Here's your answer!
a. It occurs inside the thylakoids, especially those of grana region, this phenomenon of decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen in the presence of sunlight is called photolysis or photocatalytic splitting of water ( light reaction, Hill's reaction ).
b. Generation of ATP and NADPH
Hope it helps!
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