English, asked by nicholasedmanjana79, 5 months ago

9TH GRADE ENGLISH Unit 2 Test Development of Theme
Question 6
Which detail best supports the central idea of "Marigolds" stated below?
Humans have the ability to find and create beauty in any setting.
A."The years have taken me worlds away from that time and place..."
B."Of course I could not express the things that I knew about Miss Lottie as I stood there awkward and ashamed."
C."For one does not have to be ignorant and poor to find that his life is as barren as the dusty yards of our town. And I too have planted marigolds."
D."For as I gazed at the immobile face with the sad, weary eyes, I gazed upon a kind of reality which is hidden to childhood."

Question 7
Which statement best summarizes a main theme of "Water Never Hurt a Man"?
A.It's important to stand up for one's self.
B.Never judge a person until you walk in his/her shoes.
C.Everyone deserves his/her one great love in life.
D.Rules are meant to be followed.

Question 8
Which definition explains the meaning of the phrase "born in squalor” in the passage from "Marigolds"?
"The witch was no longer a witch but only a broken old woman who had dared to create beauty in the midst of ugliness and sterility. She had been born into squalor and lived in it all her life."
A.to be used to poverty
B.to be used to happiness
C.to be used to wealth
D.to be used to confusion

Question 9
Which option offers the best synonym (word with the same meaning) for the word 'furious,' as it is used in the passage below?
I leaped furiously in the mounds of marigolds and pulled madly, trampling and pulling and destroying the perfect yellow blooms."

Question 10
Which sentence from "Water Never Hurt a Man" is an example of direct characterization?
A."John's old enough to be a driver boy, he's coming along with me and the Bacconola.“
B.He was proud of his father.
C."Eat it, you lousy little skunk. Eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it."
D."And the rain's commencing too."

Question 11
Select the option that provides a definition for the word 'squelch,' as it is used in the excerpt from "Water Never Hurt a Man."
"He felt his muddy boots slip in the towpath. He heard the squelching of the horses. Squelch-squelch, a steady rhythm as they kept step."
A.A ringing made by a bell
B.The melody included in a song
C.A loud tap made by a horse's hooves on pavement
D.A soft sucking sound made when pressure is applied to liquid or mud

Question 12
Read this sentence from "Water Never Hurt a Man."
"Between him and the light he caught glimpses of the tow rope, dipped slightly between the team’s heaves, and the roughened water in the canal."
Which definition of 'heave' is used in this sentence?


Answered by swoyamshreemohanty



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