please help with these q

Answer :
vi : Life Cycle of Obelia
vii : Bacillus anthracis
viii : ----
ix : ----
x : Useful Activities of Fungi:
Directly or indirectly fungi are beneficial to human being. Fungi is used in medicine industry, as food, in food preparation, in other industry and also in agriculture. Some of the useful activities are:
1. Preparation of Medicine:
Various kinds of fungi are used in the production of various kinds of medicine. The most important members are Penicillium notatum, Claviceps purpurea, Saccharo myces cerevisiae, Eremothemium ashbyii, Aspergillus proliferous etc.
a) Antibiotic:
Antibiotics are the metabolic product of some microorganisms which are active against other microorganism(s). Sir Alexander Fleming (1929) was the first who invented the wonder drug Penicillin from Penicillium notatum.
Later, Penicillin was also commercially produced from P. crysogenum. Later on, other different types of antibiotics were isolated from different fungi. The list of some fungi along with their produced antibiotics and range of activity are given above.
(b) Alkaloid:
Several alkaloids are produced and accumulated in the sclerotium of Claviceps purpurea which causes Ergot disease of rye. Out of several alkaloids, Ergo- metrine and its semisynthetic analogues like methyl ergometrine and methyl ergometrine maleate have prominent uterine action; those control haemorrhage of mother during child’s birth, having side- effect with increase in blood pressure and decreased milk secretion.
(c) Steroid:
Rheumatic arthritis, allergy and some other diseases are controlled by steroid. Many fungi have the capacity to synthesize different steroids. Steroid like cortisone is produced by Aspergillus niger from plant glycosides by fermentation.
(d) Vitamins:
Vitamins are the micronutrients required for the growth of living organisms. Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin A and Vitamin B-12 are found respectively from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rhodo- torula gracilis and Eremothemium ashbyii.
(e) Other Compounds:
An anticancerous substance, calvacin is present in the giant PuffbalI (Clavatia gigan- tea), that prevents stomach tumours. Similarly, fungi like Ganoderma lucdum have promising significant roles in anticancerous, anti HIV and antihepatitis-B diseases. The fungi like Coriolus versicolor have also anticancerous activity.
xi : Eradication is usually the final goal, and control of disease spread or local disease elimination is usually a more near-future goal for most diseases. On the list of diseases that could potentially be eliminated in parts of the world are yaws, malaria, and trachoma.
xii - The study of plant diseases is called plant pathology . The most common diseases of cultivated plants are bacterial wilt, chestnut blight, potato late blight, rice blast, coffee rust, stem rust, downy mildew, ergot, root knot, and tobacco mosaic. This is a small list of the more than 50,000 diseases that attack plants.
Explanation :
hope my answer helps u ... but i dont know answers for 2 questions