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hope this didi it's helps you
my cosen bro know someone things are wrong place check properly please
1) In accounting, assets such as Cash or Goods which are withdrawn from a business by the owner(s) for their personal use are termed as drawings. It is also called a withdrawal account. It reduces the total capital invested by the proprietor(s).
2) Amount invested by the owner in the firm is known as capital. It may be brought in the form of cash or assets by the owner for the business entity capital as an obligation and a claim on the assets of business.
3) The concept of business entity assumes that business has a distinct and separate entity from its owners. It means that for the purposes of accounting, the business and its owners are to be treated as two separate entities. Keeping this in view, when a person brings in some money as capital into his business, in accounting records, it is treated as liability of the business to the owner.
Here, one separate entity (owner) is assumed to be giving money to another distinct entity (business unit).
Similarly, when the owner withdraws any money from the business for his personal expenses(drawings), it is treated as reduction of the owner’s capital and consequently a reduction in the liabilities of the business.
4)Invisible assets, commonly referred to as intangible assets, are resources that cannot be seen or touched but still provide value to the holder. Examples include brand recognition and intellectual property, such as trademarks, copyrights, or patents
5)A person whose assets are equal to or greater than liabilities is known as insolvent.
मला मराठी नाही मला भाषा शिकायला आवडतात म्हणून मला ही भाषा देखील शिकली गेली पण छत्रपती शिवाजीचा मी एक मोठा चाहता आहे आणि खरंतर मी हैदराबादचा आहे