CBSE BOARD X, asked by sahilan, 1 year ago

please kisi ka subject IT hai kya agar hai toh important question batade please


Answered by Anonymous
1.Define :
Search engine, website, web page, home page, HTML, XML, ICT, Internet, web browser,queries, record,data, information.
2. What are the benefits of ICT?
3. Create an HTML source code for the given document.
4. How can queries be added to the table in MS Access?
5. What are the harmful impacts of ICT?
6. What are the benefits of Internet??

Hope these may help you in ur preparation...

Thank you..

sahilan: thanks aaroohi
Anonymous: my pleasure
agrawalupanshu: Nice
agrawalupanshu: Aarohi
Anonymous: thanks
sahilan: which class r u study aroohi
Anonymous: M in 10th
agrawalupanshu: U use Instagram aarohi
agrawalupanshu: Tell me I'd I will follow
sahilan: aroohi are u follow on facebook
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