please please Answer as soons as possible

ans_3 by dastak it is ment that there will be no tax for Britishers in business from one state to another if the dastak paper is signed
1. The Portuguese discovery of the sea route to India was the first recorded trip made directly from Europe to India via the Cape of Good Hope, in the Atlantic Ocean. It was undertaken under the command of Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama during the reign of King Manuel I in 1495–1499.
2. Some of the causes responsible for the decline of the Portuguese rule in India were: The Portuguese faced challenges from local rulers. The British controlled most of trade-in India and they were only confined to small area of Goa. After independence, government of India took the territories under their control.
3. Dastak, in 18th-century Bengal, a permit exempting European traders, mostly of the British East India Company, from paying customs or transit duties on their private trade. The name came from the Persian word for “pass.” The practice was introduced by Robert Clive, one of the creators of British power in India.
4.In 1608, Mughal authorities allowed the English East India Company to establish a small trading settlement at Surat (now in the state of Gujarat), and this became the company's first headquarters town. It was followed in 1611 by a permanent factory at Machilipatnam on the Coromandel Coast, and in 1612 the company joined other already established European trading companies in Bengal in trade.The term British India also applied to Burma for a shorter time period: beginning in 1824, a small part of Burma, and by 1886, almost two thirds of Burma had been made part of British India.By the mid-18th century three Presidency towns: Madras, Bombay and Calcutta, had grown in size.
5.Cause # 1. French Government:
The French Government in the 17th century and for the major part of the eighteenth (till we reach the French Revolution in 1789) was a personal despotism.It was through the short-sighted, ill-managed European policy of Louis XV, misguided by his mistresses and by incompetent ministers, that France lost her Indian Settlements in the Seven Years' War”.
Cause # 2. French Company:
There was an inherent weakness in the very nature of the organisation of the French Company. It was a Government sponsored enterprise financed by the King in major part. Naturally, the Company did not enjoy autonomy, nor did it represent the interest of the French nation.
Cause # 3. Seats of Power in India:
Although the French strength in respect of their seats of power was substantial it was by no means equal to that of their prospective rivals, the English. The English had three well-established seats of power in India, namely, Bombay, Madras and Calcutta, and had in their possession one dockyard and an excellent harbour.
Cause # 4. Naval Strength:
The Carnatic wars proved beyond doubt that success or failure depended on the strength of the parties on the seas.
Cause # 5. Policy of Conquest in Place of Commerce:
In their bid for territorial expansion in India the French forgot that they were primarily merchants.
Cause #6. Lack of Enthusiasm and Enterprise:
The Industrial Revolution which was taking place in England in the eighteenth century created a great enthusiasm among the English merchants to collect raw materials for the latter.
Cause # 7. Lack of Financial Support: The French did not, rather could make the trade pay their expenses. Success in conquests or in administration largely depends on the financial backing.
Cause # 8. Personal Incompetence:
It cannot be denied that the failure of the French was largely determined by personalities than by circumstances. Hopeless incompetence of the French general such as Law, D’Ache, Lally etc. sealed the fate of the French in India.
Hope that answers the questions. Mark it as brainliest if helpful. :)