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Hello! My dear friend... I hope that you are nice there and I am also fine here.. As you know recently I watched a movie and that was awesome... I hadn't words to describe it but really If you had seen that movie, you would have been as surprised as me.. The movie is about about a girl whose mind is always physics Lives in itself. What's more, her mind was so much in it that he tried to make a robot for so many years and she became successful. But even after this she did not stop studying physics. And Even after growing up, she did many experiments. Then in the last it is shown how after so much hard work she becomes a very big scientist. Really enjoyed it.
And we get inspiration from this that only after hard and strong hard work we get a chance to kiss success. Hope you also got to learn something from this and if possible inspire others also. You too should watch this movie once.
Your friend
( your name)