English, asked by yogisrinivas7963, 1 year ago

Please Provide me an essay on Nation's First.


Answered by remarocks


A nation essay


A Nation

A nation is said to exist when it could traced its origins through the state, in which it associate itself with, histories. Additionally, the cultural elites must be established and well-versed in writing and speaking the national language. There must also be a valid reason for its claim on a certain territory. It is only when these three requirements are fulfilled will the international community consider their claim for a nation (Hobsbawm, 1990: 37). Disagreements, however, tend to arise in the political community over the definition of a nation. This essay will try to list out the different approaches employed in defining a nation starting from a nation being a natural cultural entity to it being politically and…show more content…

The question on why and how he makes his choice is irrelevant. It is only when he consented to participate in the community will he readily conform to the community norms and values. Society cultural consciousness would then play an important role in dictating the speed of his consent. According to Herder, people become aware of their heritage when they read or listen to myths, legends and even songs. By doing so, the community captures the Volgeist or the spirit of the people. Language is thus seen as an important medium in spreading a community's culture as it contains people traditions and historical memories. Therefore a nation is defined as the unification of people through the sharing of the same cultural heritage (Heywood, 1997: 105). This approach has been met with several criticisms. Firstly, according to Gellner the definition used is too wide (Gellner, 1983: 53). By adopting the above criteria, any social network with the same cultural norms and values are entitled to call themselves as a nation. This would include clubs or any other associations. Another problem encountered by this definition is the impossibility of limiting cultural boundaries. In addition to that Herder's claim of the unification of the people through a common language could be dismissed as most nations have several national languages due to its multicultural population. Switzerland, for example, has three

Answered by Anonymous


The Nation First approach may have the solution to all our problems,


Nation First:

A true country devotee will be the one who performs his duty towards his country and maintains his loyalty to his motherland for his patriotism, no matter the circumstances.

A countryman also has the same duty to put his country before anything else, do not let his selfishness come in between. It is a matter of pride for a person who thinks about the country before himself because we have the only service to return the country from which we are taking so much. It is possible to forget the service of the country only by showing your honesty towards the country and forget your selfishness.

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