please say answer for this question

1. A kite has been made by the boy
2. He was praised by his teacher
3. We were invited to his house by him
4. I am vexed by your behaviour
5. The tree was cut down by the man
6. The Mughal emperor was defied by Shivaji
7. The horse is fed by him everyday
8. He has been arrested by the police
9. Fifty runs were scored by him
10. A very remarkable discovery was made by him
2. 1. A cannon ball killed Sir John Moore
2. We buried him darkly at dead of night
3. We didn't hear even a drum
4. Christopher Columbus discovered America
5. His sailors treated him ungreatfully
6. You and your brother must complete the work
7. The High School won the match
8. George Stephenson built the first railway
9. His own brother swindled him
10. The people welcomed the king
answer is written in up side