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كبريمسرسمريخثريم 26535 ينيريميريميرمن
Step-by-step explanation:
خييتينيتونيزسم11464846‘ثنيويريمي يمريترمينريميوين
Step-by-step explanation:
As we have mentioned earlier, farmers are the lifeline of the trajectory of the Indian agricultural setup. Farmers not only decide the crop yield of a season but also the types of crops being produced. Several journals available online will stress the importance of framers in running an economy and a society.
A season of the bad crop will inevitably increase the price of crops and be a burden on the commoner. Indian farmers have to bear the pang of an uncertain monsoon. Monsoons in the Indian Subcontinent and often erratic and present themselves at unpredictable intervals. The farmers have to be responsible for tracking seasonal changes. Indian farmers are given several benefits by the Government.