please send me speech on energy saved is future saved with nice vocab
Fuel serves as a major part of our energy requirement. Petroleum, a major fuel is widely used in our everyday lives and also used to power automobiles, produce containers and to keep us warm. All plastic is made from it and used in cars, houses, computers, paraffin wax, paints and pharmaceuticals, at times it is also used as a solvent found in large quantities below the surface of the Earth and is used as fuel and raw material in the chemical industry.
Conserving energy and fuel makes sense on different levels. It is wise to turn off your car at traffic signals, minimize the use of brakes and encourage car pooling. Spread awareness for fuel conservation amongst your friends and relatives. There are three areas where the motorist can save fuel- proper maintenance, efficient driving habits and intelligent purchase of a vehicle. One of the best ways to save fuel is to reduce speed, as speed increases, fuel economy decreases exponentially. Tyre pressure and car's dirty air filter should be checked, if not, it could harm its performance and economy. Petrol is also called black gold
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Energy conservation is the effort made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less of an energy service. This can be achieved either by using energy more efficiently (using less energy for a constant service) or by reducing the amount of service used (for example, by driving less). Energy conservation is a part of the concept of Eco-sufficiency
1. Make sure your air conditioning and heating units are ENERGY STAR models.
2. Set a non-ENERGY STAR air conditioning unit to “Quiet Guard” or “Power Save” mode.
3. Get a programmable thermostat that will automatically turn your AC and heater on or off to save on energy.
4. Always keep windows and doors tightly shut when running the AC or heater.
5. If you have central AC, close the air vents in unused rooms to avoid cooling or heating unused spaces.
6. Turn off kitchen or bath exhaust fans as soon as possible.
7. Use ceiling fans to cool a room instead of turning on the AC.