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What role, if any, should governments play in promoting sustainability?
Governments worldwide are beginning to recognize the challenge of sustain-
ability, and this term is being addressed in public policy discussions. Any one
government cannot work in this area alone; it is imperative to work with
other governments in order to address the issue in a global context.
According to a GlobeScan poll of experts, the leading role in achieving sus-
tainability will be played by business (35%), followed by NGOs (30%), and
governments (24%) (Bell, 2002). Chapter 8 discussed the role of business in
advancing sustainability, and this chapter will discuss the role of govern-
ments and NGOs in advancing sustainability.
Governments need to be able to anticipate rising demand for sustainable
products and services. Governments can play a key role in aiding the transi-
tion toward more efficient, less damaging economies. Those governments
that can lead in this role would be able to set the agenda for their economies,
industries, and citizens (Peck & Gibson, 2002).
In most developed countries, like the United States and Canada, the gov-
ernment is the largest employer, the largest landowner, and the largest fleet
owner. The government is also the largest consumer of energy and has the
largest impact on the environment. It stands to reason that governments
should incorporate sustainability principles in their internal operations
(Bell, 2002).
In developing countries, the role of the government assumes even greater
significance. Within the realm of sustainability, the governments ought to
encourage companies to address the needs of the world’s entire population
(Prahalad & Hart, 2002).
According to a KPMG report, the government has four distinct roles in
addressing sustainability concerns. These roles are as follows:
1. Policy development
2. Regulation
3. Facilitation
4. Internal sustainability management
As shown in Figure 9.1, each of the policy making, regulating, facili-
tating, and internal sustainability managing roles of government has
its own characteristics and success factors. Combined, these roles have
the potential to effectively support sustainability management through
setting goals, driving change, and leading by example (“Sustainable
Insight,” 2009).