Biology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

please solve blue print questions



Answered by AdityaTripathi
Classification of living organism into groups serves many purposes. Some are as follows :
1st it provides an information regarding the diversity of living organism on earth
2nd it proves the idea of common ancestry of all living organism
3rd it informs us about the interrelationship between different groups of plant animals in the biosphere
4th it helps us in identifying a correct desirable plant,to be crossed to another desirable plant so as to improve the quality of certain plant
5th It guided us about the desirable plant or animal which need to be introduced from one country to another
Without a particular method of classification of living being it will be just like dealing with a library where books are not arrange as per the titles authors or subjective sample properly classified in such cases you have to put in a lot of labour to search a particular book on a particular subject
Answered by khusi45
The answera are very simple.....
1.Answer: it is impossible for anyone to study all organisms individually. it is, therefore, necessary to place them into small or large groups on the basis of their similarities and differences. it also helps us to understand the interrelationship among different groups of organisms .that is why we classify organisms.

2.Answer: Any three examples of the range of variations in life forms are:
(i)LIFE SPAN: Every organisms has its own range of life span, e.g. mosquitoes live only for a few days while some pine trees live for a thousand years.
(ii) SIZE: The size also varies from organism to organism, eg. a microscopic bacteria is of a few nanometre in size while the blue whale is 30 metres length
(iii)COLOUR: colour variation exists from colourless or transparent worms to brightly. coloured flowers and birds.


Anonymous: yeh baby
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