Please solve it.........
The Earth is one of the eight planets that go around the Sun.
In ancient times, the people who studied the stars noticed that while certain heavenly bodies seemed fixed in the sky, others seemed to move around.
line 1: error: planet correction:planets
line 2: error:study correction: studied
line 3: error:heaven correction: heavenly
line 4: error: a sky correction: the sky
➡ Planet go around the Sun. In ancient
Error ➡ Planets [ Since , in the first line " one of the eight planet " eight is plural so planet should also be plural ]
➡ .times, the people who study the stars noticed that while certain heaven bodies
Error ➡ Studied [ Since, the line begins with " In ancient times " that means it is of past so study is in the present form which is wrong , it should be in its past form ]
➡ noticed that while certain heaven bodies
Error ➡ Heavenly [ Since, the scientific term is only heavenly bodies and it's not heaven bodies ]
➡ seemed fixed in a sky, others seemed
Error ➡ the sky [ Since the sky is only one, there not a number of sky. It is an unique element . So we should write the before the sky ]
★ Grammatical errors should be notified while finding any error
★ The articles should also be identified carefully in case if they are only an unique piece such as the sun, the moon and the earth