Social Sciences, asked by aamanchaudhary12, 5 hours ago

please solve it and help me don't give wrong answer please​



Answered by khushiixa55894


Q-1 i) it drafted the constitution completely

ii) it made France a constitutional monarchy

iii) limited powers of king

Q-2 I)he helped american thirteen colonies to gain their independence from common enemy , Britain.

ii) it added more than a billion livres loan to him .

iii) lenders charged 10 % intrest on loan .

Q-3 The French society was divided into three estates -

  • 1st estate - Clergy
  • 2nd estate - Nobility
  • 3rd estate - others

1st and second estate were free from paying taxes and enjoyed luxury life . The third estate comprised of 90% population and paid indirect and direct both taxes .

Q-4 Kashmir is located far from the equator therefore the difference in day and night is more there as compared to Kanyakumari. Since Kanyakumari is located near the equator therefore the difference in day and night is almost 1 hour but Kashmir is located 30° from the equator which makes a difference in day and night more.

Q-5Ahmadabad and Kolkata lie within the tropical zone and Delhi slightly above the Tropic of Cancer. The the two former cities get the overhead sun twice a year This happens once when the Suns direct rays shifts from the equator to the Tropic and secondly when it moves away from the Tropic to the Equator.

Q-6 I)since 2000 every election is won by PRI.

ii) media ignore the opposition parties when they criticize PRI.

iii) PRI use dirty tricks to win elections.

iv) Teacher of government school used to force parents to vote for PRI

Q-7 It is called a “government by discussion” because a democracy is based on consultation and discussion. A democratic decision always involves many persons discussions and meetings. When a member of people together think over a certain matter they are able to point out possible mistakes.

Q-8Representative Democracy is the most common form of democracy. The following are the reasons for this assertion: It allows us to elect representatives, who have knowledge and judgment specialized to a definite field.

Q-9(i) Land is most important for farming. Unfortunately, not all the people engaged in farming activities have sufficient land for cultivation.

(ii) There are altogether 450 families in village Palampur, out of which 150 families, most of them dalits, are landless. Of the remaining families who own land, 240 families cultivate small plots of land less than 2 hectares in size.

(iii) Cultivation of such plots doesn't bring adequate income to the farmer family. On the other hand, more than half area of the village is covered by plots that are quite large in size.

(iv) The remaining 60 families of medium and large farmers cultivate more than 2 hectares of land. A few of the large farmers have land extending over 10 hectares or even more.

Thus, we can say that the distribution of cultivated land is quite unequal in Palampur.

Q- 10 1)Rain : it is one of the basic natural occurring sources of irrigation and they are not limited . 2)Dams : reservoir created by dams not only suppress flood but also provide water for irrigation. 3)Tubewells : these are also important source of irrigation which pump water from the water table beneath the surface.


hope it helps

Answered by prakashakash802


Q1- Abolition of feudalism, serfdom and class privileges.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.

It set up a uniform system of administration all over the country.

The Church property in France was confiscated.

Q2- (i) Long years of war had drained the financial resources of France. (ii) High cost of maintenance of immense palace of Versailles and court. (iii) Under Louis XVI France helped the thirteen American colonies to gain independence. (iv) War added to a debt.

Long years of war had drained the financial resources of France.

The cost of maintaining an extravagant court at the immense palace of Versailles.

France helped the 13 American colonies to gain their independence from Britain. This cost France about 1 billion livres.

Q3-France under the Ancien Régime was divided society into three estates: the First Estate (clergy); the Second Estate (nobility); and the Third Estate (commoners).

Q4-Kashmir is located far from the equator therefore the difference in day and night is more there as compared to Kanyakumari. Since Kanyakumari is located near the equator therefore the difference in day and night is almost 1 hour but Kashmir is located 30° from the equator which makes a difference in day and night more.

Q5-Because ahmedabad and kolkata are present below the tropic of cancer whereas delhi lies above the tropic of cancer. The states present below the tropic of cancer experience the direct verticals of the sun because our earth is tilted and the areas which are just in front of the sun lies in the torrid zone

Q6-Since its independence in 1930, Mexico holds elections after every six years to elect its President. The country has never been under a military or dictator’s rule. But until 2000 every election was won by a party called PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party). Opposition parties did contest elections, but never managed to win. The PRI was known to use many dirty tricks to win elections. All those who were employed in government offices had to attend its party meetings. Teachers of government schools used to force parents to vote for the PRI. Media largely ignored the activities of opposition political parties except to criticise them. Sometimes the polling booths were shifted from one place to another in the last minute, which made it difficult for people to cast their votes. The PRI spent a large sum of money in the campaign for its candidates.

Q7-It is called a ‘‘government by discussion’’ because democracy is based on consultation and discussion. A democratic decision always involves many people’s discussions and meetings. When a member of people together thinks over a certain matter they are able to point out possible mistake. This takes time. But there is big advantage in taking time. This reduces rush decisions, problems are not resolved by brutal force but by peaceful discussions. It offers best alternative that we know.

It is a government run by and for the people. Democracy improves the quality of decision-making. ... Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens. Democracy is better than other forms of government because it allows us to correct our own mistakes.

Q8-The most common form of democracy is representative democracy. Modern democracies involve such a large number of people that it is physically impossible for them to sit together, and take a collective decision.

Representative democracy or indirect democracy is when people choose to vote for who will represent them in a parliament. This is the most common form of democracy found across the world. Its emphasis lies on protecting the rights of not only the majority of the people in the state, but also the minorities.

Q9-Yes, I agree that the distribution of cultivated land is unequal in Palampur because out of the 450 families, 150 families are landless, 240 families cultivate small plots of land less than 2 hectares in size whereas 60 medium and large farmers cultivate more than 2 hectares of land, a few of them have land extending ...

(i) Land is most important for farming. Unfortunately, not all the people engaged in farming activities have sufficient land for cultivation.

(ii) There are altogether 450 families in village Palampur, out of which 150 families, most of them dalits, are landless. Of the remaining families who own land, 240 families cultivate small plots of land less than 2 hectares in size.

(iii) Cultivation of such plots doesn't bring adequate income to the farmer family. On the other hand, more than half area of the village is covered by plots that are quite large in size.

Q10-1)Rain : it is one of the basic natural occurring sources of irrigation and they are not limited . 2)Dams : reservoir created by dams not only suppress flood but also provide water for irrigation. 3)Tunewells : these are also important source of irrigation which pump water from the water table beneath the surface.


Marks me as brainlist

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