please solve it. science

Dissolve two small crystals of sodium thiosulfate in 5 mL of deionized water in a large clean test
tube. Check the solution for the Tyndall effect by holding the test tube in the path of the light from one
of the lamps located in the lab. Remember, if you have a true solution it should not exhibit the Tyndall
effect. If you notice the scattering of light, it is probably dust particles and your test tube needs to be recleaned. Next, add 10 drops of 6 M HCl to the solution of sodium thiosulfate. The reaction which
occurs should generate a colloidal suspension of sulfur in water. The reaction equation is
S2O3 -2 + 2H+ ----> H2O + SO2 + S
Now, check the mixture for the Tyndall effect again. Note: sometimes it requires a few minutes for the
reaction to begin