please solve questions

1) Homogeneous mixture ;
A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more components (substance) , it means composition properties are uniform
Heterogeneous mixture ;
A solution is said to be Heterogeneous mixture it means composition properties are uniformly distributed.
3) Centrifugation method;
Centrifugation is a method is used for the separation of particles from a solution , According to their size ,shape, density viscosity of medium and rotor speed . The particles are suspended in a liquid medium and placed in a centrifuge tube. The tube is placed and in a rotor or spun at a define speed
4) Chromatograph paper ;
Chromatography paper is an analytical method used to used to separate coloured chemicals or substance . It is primarily used as a teaching tool , having been replaced by other chromatography methods , such as thin layered chromatography.
5). colloids ;
A colloid is a phase separated mixture in which one substance o microscopically dispersed insoluble or soluble particles is suspended throughout another substance
- Aerosol
- solid aerosol
- Foam
- Emulsion
- Sol
- Solid foam
- Gel
- Solid sol