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Step-by-step explanation:
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α and β are zeroes of polynomial x² - ax + b.
Sum of zeroes = -(Coefficient of x/Coefficient of x²)
α + β = -(-a/1)
α + β = a
Product of zeroes = (Constant Term/Coefficient of x²)
αβ = b/1
αβ = b
(α - β)² = (α + β)² - 4αβ
(α - β)² = a² - 4b
α² + β² = (α + β)² - 2αβ
α² + β² = a² - 2b
Thus option 3) is correct.
(a³ - b³) = (a - b)(a² + b² + ab)
(a² - b²) = (a + b)(a - b)
(a - b)² = (a + b)² - 4ab
Step-by-step explanation:
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α and β are zeroes of polynomial x² - ax + b.
Sum of zeroes = -(Coefficient of x/Coefficient of x²)
α + β = -(-a/1)
α + β = a
Product of zeroes= (Constant TermCoefficient of x²)
αβ = b/1
αβ = b
(α - β)² = (α + β)² - 4αβ
(α - β)² = a² - 4b
α² + β² = (α + β)² - 2αβ
α² + β² = a² - 2b
α^2(βα^2−β)+β^2(αβ^2−α) =α^2(βα^2−β^2)+β^2(αβ^2−α^2)
=α^2(βα^2−β^2)−β^2(αα^2−β^2) =αβα^3(α^2−β^2)−β^3(α^2−β^2)
Thus option 3) is correct.
(a³ - b³) = (a - b)(a² + b² + ab)
(a² - b²) = (a + b)(a - b)
(a - b)² = (a + b)² - 4ab