please solve the question
रिप्रेजेंट द नेशनल नंबर ऑन द नंबर लाइन
so first we have to find the LCM of the given denominators.
LCM is of 2,5,10,5,2 is = 10
So if we multiply with the denominator we also have to multiply with the numerator= 5/2* 5 ( with the numerator and the denominator)
2/5*2 ( with the numerator and the denominator)
9/10 ( this remains the same because the LCM is 10)
6/5*2 ( with the numerator and the denominator)
7/2* 5 ( with the numerator and the denominator)
So after multiplying the fractions we get= 25/10, 4/10, 9/10, 12/10, 35/10
if we have to represent on the number line=
1/10 2/10 3/10 4/10 5/10 6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10 or 1 11/10 12/10 13/10 14/10 15/10 16/10 17/10 18/ 10 19/10 20/10 21/10 22/10 23/10 24/10 25/10 26/10 27/ 10 28/10 29/10 30/10 31/10 32/10 33/10 34/10 35/10
(Remember you have to mark these questions on the number line. )
( After marking the questions in the LCM form you have to write the numbers given in the question according to the order of the number line)